Look What I made:)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The most beautiful baptism

About a month ago I had the most wonderful opportunity to meet a most amazing woman, she was investigating the church, and her son, who is 11 wanted to be baptized. Several years ago she was just like the rest of us, she was active, loved to be outdoors and be with her family. One day she went out for a bike ride and woke up in the hospital to find out that she had been hit by a car. Not only had she been hit by a car, but she had lost both of her legs, completely amputated, nothing left. She is very open about her accident, but what is even more surprising, is that she speaks very freely about her depression following the accident, she literally gave up on life, and lay in bed for months.

It took her a long time to decide that life without legs was worth living. She knew she had to try, she had to try to take care of her two boys. It wasn't long after she decided to get out of bed, that two young men knocked on her door to share with her the beautiful gospel message. She accepted the message, and knew she wanted to be baptized, but when the time came to actually be baptized, she got scared. How do you baptize someone who doesn't have any legs? What do they wear? How do you keep their clothes from going over their head? Our church is old and not very accessible for wheelchairs to get to the baptismal font, that meant difficulty getting her to the font to start with. Nevertheless, she decided that she was going to do this, and a date was set. The date came, anxiety got the best of her and she backed out. She didn't know what to wear, she didn't know how this was going to work.

When Austin's beautiful mother passed away, I received her temple clothing, and because she worked in the temple, she had acquired several lovely dresses and suits for the temple. I offered these to this sister, in hopes that this would ease some of her anxiety, we could pin the skirt or dress at the bottom so it wouldn't come up over her head. She has very strong and defined arms, and decided that it wasn't worth trying them on because she was too big through the chest and arms. Miraculously, she decided to try one top, one of Austin's moms that she purchased and never wore, and it fit her, perfectly. She looked so beautiful, it looked like it had been tailored just for her. I know that Austin's mom must have been smiling from Heaven knowing that through her this sweet sister would have something beautiful and white to be baptized in. Now she had something to wear, but how was she going to get in the water, and how would they baptize her?

Everyone had a suggestion, put her on a chair and tip the chair backward, build her a bench, etc.... I didn't know what they had decided to do, all I knew was that the baptism was by invitation only, she was so scared, and I feel so blessed to have been able to be there to feel of the spirit that was there. I have never felt the spirit so strongly at any baptism I have ever been to. This sister also faced another difficulty, her son, her 22 year-old son is going through chemotherapy and is very sick from lymphoma, this made her decision even more difficult; so much on her mind; so much anxiety and worry.

The time finally came for her to go to the font, we all stayed in the Relief Society room while she got ready. When we got down the hall, we found her already in the font, it was only filled half-way, and a member of our bishopric, and one of the missionaries were kneeling in the water beside her preparing to baptize her. They both held onto her and kept her stable while the ordinance was performed, it was so touching, I don't believe there was a dry eye in the room. Her confirmation was also just lovely, and I can't tell you how touching it is to see someone overcome so much, and to be so strong. She smiles, she laughs, and she is an example to me of perseverance and of relying on the Lord. I know that there were unseen beings with us there, I could feel our Heavenly Father's love for her. I have never met anyone in my life who shines like she does. My testimony is strengthened by knowing her, by being able to witness her conversion and her baptism. I wish everyone could know her, I know I am a better person because of her.