Look What I made:)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Shadow Diseases

I just have to share....

Evidence suggests that the following conditions are connected:

Migraines--Those who have migraines are more susceptible to having a stroke or heart attack, if you have even one migraine per month you are 50% more likely to have a stroke or heart attack.

Endometriosis--Melanoma (I have had both--must be something to this after all). Women with endometriosis are 67% more likely to have abnormal skin growth causing melanomas--makes sense I suppose.

High Blood Pressure--Diabetes

Psoriasis--Heart Attack. This was from a study that followed 1/2 million people for 5 years and found that if you have psoriasis your risk for a heart attack doubles, mainly related to inflammation.

Metabolic Syndrome--Kidney Stones

Asthma--Depression and Anxiety Disorders

This can all be found in Prevention Magazine July 2009 or Prevention.com;


Renee said...

That is really interesting... and kind of scary too.

Messy Jess said...

ha ha ha - I dreamt last night that I was having a mamogram - your blog is the first that I read this morning - maybe I should schedule one? Good info.