Look What I made:)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Maxell Peterson; May 28, 1999-Sept 26, 2008

To my friend Maxie, good bye little buddy! We will always love and remember you! We will see you again someday! Thanks for making us laugh, thanks for making us smile! You were, and always will be more than a pet, you are family; and families are forever. I'm so sorry I didn't keep you safe, I'm sorry I couldn't stop that car! We will always love you little friend!


Jennie said...

Oh Julie!!! I am so sorry! I know how much you loved Max! I will admire my little gifts from Max with a little more love!! Hugs and kisses to your whole family!!

Niesja said...

Oh Julie,

He's a kitty- it's not your fault! I love you and Maxie does too..... He's now in Heaven looking over you!

Renee said...

Oh I'm so sorry Julie! I know he was your little crazy buddy.

We miss you guys!!!

Dori Montoya said...

So sorry to hear about Max. We'll never forget him.