Look What I made:)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Where in the World is that elusive Carmen San Diego?


Do you think that she would ever venture into a place where she could actually be found? And do you think there could possibly be a more addictive theme song? Well, okay, Lambchop takes the cake for songs that NEVER END.....this is the song that never ends, it just goes on and on my friend, somebody started singing it not knowing what it was (hmmmm?) and they'll continue singing it forever (along with the rest of us) just because..... I use to love Carmen San Diego, she was one sleek chick. She was like the cartoon, female version of 007, we could call her double oooh-doo-wahp.


Renee said...

I'm soooooo happy you're blogging! We miss you guys and now have a way to communicate more often.

Your blog page is pretty too. I like the name and am going to add you to my list of friends.

This is great!!!

Dori Montoya said...

Hey Julie, it's Dori, hope you keep your blog updated, it's great to know what's going on in your life. I will try to abide by the rules, and only post nonsencical remarks from now on! Come see me on my blog lifewiththemontoyas.blogspot.com

Unknown said...

Welcome to the blogging world...I came over from Renee

thanks a lot for getting "where in the world is carmen san diego" stuck in my brain...c'mon sing it with me ..."Where in the world is carmen san diego" :)