Look What I made:)

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Maxwell Piece Theater Presents....

Do you ever have one of those days when your cat seems to have more intelligence than you do??? I want to take this opportunity to thank my father, really thank him, from the bottom of my heart, for sending us the cutest little doggie you have ever seen. This little doggies name is Winkie, Winkie Marie to be precise. Why mention Winkie? Because this insane puppy is the reason I have lost all reason and sanity!!! She is crazy, she refuses to potty train! We take her outside and she takes care of business, only to run right back inside and continue with her business on the living room floor. My home is her chew toy, and poor Maxwell has no peace. She is a the tiny tyrant of the Peterson household. Why keep her? Well, have your children ever done something so naughty you wanted to scream, that is until they look at you with those sweet little eyes and that cute little smile--honestly--how on earth can you punish them when they look at you like that? Winkie is going to be the beginning of my demise! She is my tornadic shadow, and for any of you that know me very well, messes drive me crazy, therefore, Winkie is driving me crazy! Well, now that I have that tirade out of the way, let me continue with Maxwell's tale of woe...

In the beginning Maxwell was king of the homestead. Maxwell got his choice of laps to sit on, beds to snooze on, and could eat at anytime of the day. Scratch all that! Now, poor Maxwell is a peasant with no rights whatsoever, he's a pauper with no hope for change. Winkie chases him from room to room and bites his tail, if he so much as sets his foot on the floor Wink is on top of him and they roll off in a ball of fury. If Max tried to sit with anyone (anyone except Taylon--Winkie doesn't like Taylon) Wink goes after him. Even meal times has become a nightmare for the poor little guy, Winkie has a bottomless pit for a stomach and gobbles up anything you try to give to Maxwell. Granted, Max has to first sniff his dinner, then take a few licks here and there, then finally he will take tiny little bites. Wink, on the other hand will devour your entire hand before you even set her food in the bowl--she's a monster I tell you! but dang-it! She's so darn cute!

So, today, if you're having a pity party, and you need some comfort, think of poor Maxwell and his tale of woe. Poor kitty!


The P*dunc's said...

Further proof that I don't need any animals in my house. But you can have them in yours, I like them in yours. Do I need to send Dallin over to set them straight? He hasn't seen Winkie in a while.

...and thanks for bringing by the book. Paul keeps asking me what I said to you about him....

Jennie said...

I cannot believe Winkie has a middle name!! We used to giggle at Vera (of the kidnapped gnome fame) for giving Tipper Gaye a middle name. Hee Hee.

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys! It's your Filipino connection from Manila! Please tell Taylon that we like him, even if the dog doesn't!

Brenda Lee said...

Hey...I am much happier after reading your blog this morning! The next time my kids beg us to buy a puppy, I will kindly direct them to your post about Winkie. Case closed. Good luck with potty training! BTW - Ali is gorgeous!! Have a great day! Love, Brenda Lee